5 minute map

Thumbnail of the map '5 minute map'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author iFondue
Tags action author:ifondue fun lasers mines unrated
Created 2010-06-19
Last Modified 2010-06-19
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description can you see that I did this map just in 5 minutes

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'No Probleme' Thumbnail of the map 'The kloof' Thumbnail of the map 'The biggest jump wins' Thumbnail of the map 'run for your life' Thumbnail of the map 'grimace' Thumbnail of the map 'Let`s run'
No Probleme The kloof The biggest jump wins run for your life grimace Let`s run


Pages: (0)

you are right, it is^^


It's simple and easy.
But i enjoyed, and that's the point; isn't it?

Demo Data

faster agd

Demo Data


AGD. It irks me that one lot of gold is different from the rest.
Demo Data

Slow AGD

On Nreality.