Some Practice

Thumbnail of the map 'Some Practice'

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Author Tunco123
Tags author:tunco123 practiceforvehemence3 rated
Created 2010-05-30
Last Modified 2010-05-31
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description For Vehemence 3, I should be ready. ;) Go for agd's. Note: Agd is kinda brutal to complete, so give up if you're frustrated. :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'gold is fun' Thumbnail of the map 'i want comments and rates on this map' Thumbnail of the map 'tears for my fears' Thumbnail of the map 'awesomesaus' Thumbnail of the map 'UpDownDownUp' Thumbnail of the map 'Sound of the City'
gold is fun i want comments and rates on this map tears for my fears awesomesaus UpDownDownUp Sound of the City


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But it's fun to try to get some of the gold, in this case. Also thanks for 5 rating. Many people wouldn't think like that while rating, and that was my intention while making this map, it relies on it's difficulty, you can notice that it's not that hard to complete it. <3


Hard doesn't mean better. But for this map, it's false.

I loved golds (except the southwestern golds) and chainguns.

No-gold completion (yes, i know i'm a coward) :
Demo Data


kinda like it xD
Demo Data


Screw your trapdoors.
Demo Data


chaingun barrage is kiling meeeeeee