i want comments and rates on this map

Thumbnail of the map 'i want comments and rates on this map'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Tunco123
Tags administrong author:tunco123 rated used-a-tileset
Created 2010-03-07
Last Modified 2010-03-07
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description for administrong round 2 - tileset by Bl3wolf: []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't want to die/ Don't step to middle' Thumbnail of the map 'voluble' Thumbnail of the map 'this is not a penis map' Thumbnail of the map 'Black' Thumbnail of the map 'Island Bellaneda De Isle' Thumbnail of the map 'gold is fun'
Don't want to die/ Don't step to middle voluble this is not a penis map Black Island Bellaneda De Isle gold is fun


Pages: (0)


I really enjoyed this
here's an AGD, might as well not bother watching the others. 4/5, the tiles and gameplay meshed nicely and I enjoyed playing it multiple times until I got it.. nice and smooth and not-frustrating.
Demo Data


nother demo
the thwump where I died is bothersome, not because of difficulty but because I had to figure out, like.. do I even go there? what's next? the rest of it has some possible flow and nothing to really hold you up waiting or puzzling.
Demo Data

first try demo

on here from map commenting thread.. so far, nice tiles, nice enemy placement.. fun and with possibilities of flow, time improvement, quite good stuff that I am enjoyin' in this here map. More tries comin.
Demo Data

"unnecessary (I hope I spelled that correctly)"

You did! :D
I always remember the spelling of necessary as 1 cup 2 sugars (1 'c', 2 's')

numa is not dead

it just has stupid problems... jeez, i friggin hate it when people say that.


fun and reduced.


people use my tiles ;)


is dead... but ill comment and rate

How many?

Comments or rates, though?