Waves Against A Bunker

Thumbnail of the map 'Waves Against A Bunker'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TeaNose
Tags action author:teanose gauss medium rated tea
Created 2010-04-24
Last Modified 2010-04-24
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description I feel like this one was very furry'ish, if that's what you call it. I also do feel that everyone should be free to use any style they want to. You can't just be going around finding a style and then copyright it. That's just not how it works... Well, it is inspired by Furry_Ants lovely maps. <3


Enjoy and RCE. :3

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bonansa Li Amkitala' Thumbnail of the map 'Living Orgasm' Thumbnail of the map 'Lonesome Firefly' Thumbnail of the map 'Gray Lotus' Thumbnail of the map 'Lighting The Street Lamps'
Bonansa Li Amkitala Living Orgasm Lonesome Firefly Gray Lotus Lighting The Street Lamps


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Another brilliant map by TeaNose. Keep up the good work mate :)

You are evil

impossible gold. I /love/hate/ it
I guess it's impossible to get that gold.

So here's an APGD, pretty fast.

Oh by the way, I've noticed people accusing you of being a multi-accounter and hating on your maps. I'd just like to say I believe you and I don't think you are just copying other people's ideas. You show potential as a mapper and provide demo competition for me ;)

So keep mapping.
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anything you place in brackets in the body of your comment will disappear, unless you add code:


click on the BBCode link to find out how to make links like
this []

Playing the map now ;)

Demo Data

We should collab.

At least, I want to collab. :D

to answer your question :)
Also I was wondering if you used theForum [] yet?
Communication is easier to get put around on there. I like talking on NUMA though haha. Personal Preference. :D

The map, wow. I'd submit a demo, but I don't feel like embarrassing myself. Haha I really was incredibly bad at everything, on every attempt of this map. D:
In this map takes place. ^-^
the 4 pieces of gold over the first room :P

Faster all gold. :3

How do you make a comment with no body fill? I've been wanting to know that for a while. :3 Please, do tell me! ^-^
Demo Data
That I will somehow make up for him leaving. :3

I guess

you'll replace the mistalker-esq style that I liked so much now that he's left...



i didn't like the mine on the left passage >__<
Demo Data