Lonesome Firefly

Thumbnail of the map 'Lonesome Firefly'

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Author TeaNose
Tags author:teanose dontknowwhatelsetotag hard rated tea
Created 2010-04-21
Last Modified 2010-04-24
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Everyone around me seem to fall in love, and I am hopelessly stuck with the same person. I like it.


Enjoy :3
By the way... I have spent nearly all day perfecting this level. If you can't tell, it's Destiny-inspired. :3

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bonansa Li Amkitala' Thumbnail of the map 'Living Orgasm'
Bonansa Li Amkitala Living Orgasm


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once being a multiaccounter, i know what i would do to make it seem as if it was the opposite, and mistalker06/TeaNose did just that. definite multiaccounting, no question.
spred the style aye :D
btw have you got name? haha

May I ask, are you female or male?

Yeah, innocent until proven guilty.


@nDEAVOUR & el_devo

nDEAVOUR first. In TeaNose's defense, I didn't and wouldn't bother creating an account with numa until I had some maps to submit. Technically I was probably around here for a couple of days before I submitted my first map, TeaNose may have just been a month instead.
Now el_devo. In TeaNose's defense, he/she already said that they've been around for some amount of time and could therefore easily have played a destiny map with or without creating an account. TeaNose also only has three maps. With a new mapper, especially a decent one, you like to see what they come up with next. Mist is either following up or just attracted by the tiles... or both! Plus, miststalker gives out a fair few amount of fives. As for aesthetics, most maps you play will have comments about looks, teanose apparently took note of that.
Now, all that being said, teanose could still be a multiaccounter. But you always need to take in both sides of the argument and examine all the possibilities before jumping to conclusions, and you'll never be able to conclude anything here, anyway, so it's best to just assume they're new. Innocent until proven guilty, yeah?

Btw, you forgot to tag it "tea" again lol

How on earth would you have a destiny inspired map if you are new. Why does miststalker always comment on your maps? Moreso, why does he give you a 5 when the map is clearly not a flawless map? You are using aesthetic pretenses that only an established mapper uses, and I don't buy it.

I'm completely fine with TeaNose being a noobie but good mapper, nevershine was also. One last comment before I put the matter aside. For a user to say he has been around /a long time/ looking at maps. You would expect that they would have commented and rated on various maps over their time. Therefore TeaNose I request that you post a link to a comment you made on a map prior to your first maps date. Once you do that I will whole-heartedly believe you are a legitimate author and not what most call a multi-accounter.

I'll play,

but not now :)


No no no, he reminds me of miststalker; who reminds you of me. ;)
and then it seemed too straightforward and too simple. I like the design, though. agd
Demo Data


This map /does/ have a certain flow and it's also fun to play as long as you take the more flowy way... But if you play the map the first time and just try to explore it, it feels cramped and uncomfortable :/...
You have very much potential, though :]... Maybe you should try to make a more open map... ?

(Oh yeah... And you're way more miststalker than furry, imo :P...)
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I was mentioned in the same list as Yahoozy. Makes me chuckle.
Demo Data
or ZTHING's or Yahoozy, or GTM, or Cucumber_boy...etc. etc. just use less enemies but use them more effectivly. Usually less is more.
Frist, I hate when people start the ninja in the tiles, making the propel.
Second, please, please, please, don't make the map so cramped. You put mines in places that cut off flow, you destroy and obliterate any chance to keep flow and enjoy the map.
Thirdly, you put rockets in such small areas that it is unenjoyable (not this map but your last one)
Fourthly, I agree with Aldaric, the mines on the doors is gross and just annoying.
Finally, I hate glitched enemies in most aspects, this one being the thwump thing...just bad. Overall your maps are great tilewise but the gameplay destroys the entire structure.

I agree max

but furry_ant's maps are actually fun to play, these are difficult like miststalker but look like furry...hmmm...I don't like this combo.
but you remind me a lot of furry_ant.

Pretty fun stuff

I dont like the mines on open doors aesthetic though. Too messy for me, but that is just my personal taste.


I like how you can exit on the right with the launchpad. Nice touch.
Even though I still doubt you're new, 5/5 for this. This is great material!
The best way. :)
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