Mysterious King

Thumbnail of the map 'Mysterious King'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bufar
Tags author:bufar conceptcon playable rated
Created 2010-04-11
Last Modified 2010-04-11
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I am Interesting by AVATAR_FANATIC []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Korobeiniki' Thumbnail of the map 'Of What Was Everything' Thumbnail of the map 'Roly-Poly Pisces' Thumbnail of the map 'All my Possessions for a Moment in Time' Thumbnail of the map 'Artsy.' Thumbnail of the map 'Fifteen Mines and as many Pieces of Gold'
Korobeiniki Of What Was Everything Roly-Poly Pisces All my Possessions for a Moment in Time Artsy. Fifteen Mines and as many Pieces of Gold


Pages: (0)

Oh but I hate the one-ways

Almost completion

Got to the bottom, then died. I like it very well though, 4/5.
Demo Data

Maybe I made it too hard. After trying to post an AGD, I got frustrated and decided to simply go for a completion, and had to surrender on that front as well. Here's a demo of the first two jumps, the hardest part of the map. I assure everyone that it is possible.

The map's hard, here's the first part.
Demo Data


Sorry. Just too hard. I got past the /first jump/ 10% of the time.

Your maps are consistently among the most creative and unique on NUMA, though.


Incredibly hard. still playing. still failing.
Demo Data