Comments on "96-1 What You Should Learn Today"

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Jumping practice.
Faved and saved. :)

congrats :)


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The tilesets were always my problem. XD
As for the object placement: I wanted to hold it easy/simple. I know that the 3x3 gold square placement isn't creative but it's never too late to try more placement options. :D


Oh boy, 500 maps...
Try to focus a little more on aesthetics. Superfluous tile designs and theming always work a treat. Because even though the jumps in here are well constructed, the map doesnt look very nice. Objects can play a large part in this too, so don't be afraid to be a little wacky and experiemental.

The main point I dislike with this map is the gold. It is well placed and provides a great mechanic, but you've put no effort into the little 'rooms' that the gold is in. It's just a little clearing and a square of gold. I think you could of done much better than that - it looks pretty ugly.

But as I mentioned earlier, the map is nice and fun. 4/5.
ehm.. well.. Happy 500th! :)

great map.. :D

5aved! :)
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You got up to 500 so quickly. Anyways, congrats!
...that there was a spelling error in the description? XD
Nicely made.




Closest i got

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sub 400

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I've calmed down a bit. XD
Sorry, I'll continue map making of course.
It was just the moment when I've seen the snipe and it was like: "WTF? That's it. -.-"

Rated a 5

not only to outweigh the snipe but also cause I love the map :D


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This was a lot more fun than I was expecting :D
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I swear...

...this site is getting more and more on my nerves.
And my 500th map got sniped now.
It's about time to stop making maps.

Slow AGD

Messed up at the end. Happy 500th. Fun jumper, I like it.
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