
Thumbnail of the map 'Illegal'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:squiddy_brick flow race rated
Created 2009-11-12
Last Modified 2009-11-12
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description u know, im 11 yrs old and im in yr 6

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'perspective' Thumbnail of the map 'Breif transmission' Thumbnail of the map 'A cheated deal' Thumbnail of the map 'Children in back seats cause accidents' Thumbnail of the map 'Hole in the wall' Thumbnail of the map 'Eyes'
perspective Breif transmission A cheated deal Children in back seats cause accidents Hole in the wall Eyes


Pages: (0)

First try AGD

dont understand why its got a 3/5. i thought it deserves at least a 4. good job :)
Demo Data


I AM!!!!!

(when's ur birthday)

u didnt take the flow right

Completed, but theres about 3 places where the map can kill you due to poor flow.
Demo Data

Map fails.
Demo Data
the flow was fairly solid... yet it seemed to be the same style, or flow technique throughout the whole map.
and maybe some more variety for enemies??

Demo Data


a bit boring at times. try workin on flow. 3.5

Not bad

3.5^. A little bland and waaaay too linear, but the flow isn't bad.
and bte, there are some other young people here as well...

don't ask me for names, though i know some exist.

im probs 1 of the youngest mappers on NUMA



I think you should report your uncle to the police..

itz tru


publicity stunt much?