
Thumbnail of the map 'Smile'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Alex@-@
Tags author:alex@-@ happy n-art rated smile
Created 2009-10-30
Last Modified 2009-10-30
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Smile And Be Happy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Forth Dimention Twump' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sword Cliff' Thumbnail of the map 'GLITCH 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Black Hole' Thumbnail of the map 'Boardum' Thumbnail of the map 'Mental'
Forth Dimention Twump The Sword Cliff GLITCH 2 Black Hole Boardum Mental


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From 'Titons Ruins'

Well, for one, you should take time on it - more people will like it if you put effort in it. Think of something up. Look at other peoples maps for ideas. Already got one? Then do it! If you like it, chances are someone else will like it. ;)
Why not have a go at teleporters again? Type 'teleporters' in NUMA's map search.
Demo Data


know its n-art, but you could have placed something like gold. Y'know? :)

Fastest possible

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