
Thumbnail of the map 'Mental'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Alex@-@
Tags author:alex@-@ hard mental rated
Created 2009-10-30
Last Modified 2009-10-30
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Thanks BluePretzel for drawing the picture of the map out and everyone enjoy the map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'GLITCH' Thumbnail of the map 'Forth Dimention Twump' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sword Cliff' Thumbnail of the map 'GLITCH 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Black Hole' Thumbnail of the map 'Boardum'
GLITCH Forth Dimention Twump The Sword Cliff GLITCH 2 Black Hole Boardum


Pages: (0)


I finished it and it's not imposible it's very hard it took me like 69 times to finish it but it is possible


It's not compleately imposible

i told you

so its not impossible.
i dont want a level that i created (or designed) to be impossible when its not supposed to! D:<

Evil boy...




Much appreciation, Alex@-@. I'm about to re-submit this map. I designed it after all. :)

It is now possible to complete.
Thanks again for the most of it. :D
Cred to you


You created it so dont blame me you made it impossible


the level is impossible
but apse and im_bad_at_N are right. Cool down, I only submitted maps at the average time of 2 hours.
Good map, but slow down. The more often you submit, the more bad comments you'll get, and they will stain all your good maps. :)

what he said

its not cool =\
max two on the hot maps page.
