Death Race

Thumbnail of the map 'Death Race'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author GRN
Tags author:grn flow mine race rated rocket
Created 2009-10-07
Last Modified 2009-10-07
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Originally this was supposed to be an action map, but got carried away and made a race.

New style of races from me, very different from what I normally make.

This is a DED to anyone who has ever made a race map, because race maps are awesome. Face it.

Please Comment/Rate & ENJOY!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Estranged' Thumbnail of the map 'Tense' Thumbnail of the map 'Dream Theatre' Thumbnail of the map 'Steralise' Thumbnail of the map 'Enethity' Thumbnail of the map 'Energy'
Estranged Tense Dream Theatre Steralise Enethity Energy


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in the first half of the next year, they say. a pretty long time :(


third time lucky.
Demo Data

I can't believe

how much you've improved.

Sure =) I can wait


but fun ill give it 5/5
Demo Data


Don't have time to rate it, but I'd estimate around a 4/5. I like the part with the trampoline and the bounce blocks.

agrree with most

really fun :D

and i'll get the collab back tonigt,,, sorry been really busy.

This is really really cool man. I liked almost every part of the race. Wanna collab? solid 4 btw


ill try to reply more than 4 days late for certain ;D
the area at the beginning with the launch pad going left and the trap doors blocking the floor guard area wasnt so good =P

i figured that area out though =D

plus races are my favorite playable maps ;D
Demo Data

ohhh right

lol i see what ur talking about.. my bad, but yea i guess, though i post like 1 a day.

God im spamming my own level, lol sorry folks.


the last comment from destiny that im getting better or the last comment from me that im the only one posting races?

I think it's cool

but the last comment wasn't right... i have also posted some. btw its a very nice map. 4/5
You're improving like wildfire, i can see you really turning into something.
Demo Data


as if im the only one posting race maps lately

I agree

with you, it seemed to look a lot better when i was making it, but when i looked at the thumbnail i was shocked.

You're right.
Race maps are great, and this one is, too :P
Some nices ideas but imo it doesn't look perfect.
4/5 :)

ok, ok

dont watch any of those demo's
this ones the best.
Demo Data


think this is faster.
Demo Data


Kinda slow
Demo Data