
Thumbnail of the map 'Energy'

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Author GRN
Tags author:grn face lol not race rated
Created 2009-10-06
Last Modified 2009-10-06
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description =O well, realized I had this race saved on my computer, to be honest this was one of the first races I made, it used to be a lot worse, just polished it up and changed the aesthetics.

There are some really nice close calls in this, if you get the flow right that is. Sorry if the enemies kill you, a lot of them are unreliable, but if they work right like they did for me, its very rewarding (and fun). Please don't rate down if the enemies kill you.

Ill post a demo showing the close calls soon.

Oh and about everything that's NaNd, I'm sorry, but whenever I delete the NaNs from the code, a new one appears when I past it into the data box, strange. (That's why there's like 4 of 'em)

And I tried new aesthetics, do you think they look good, or just messy?

EDIT: Just curious, (dont know if this already exists), but, do you think there should be an option to subscribe to a mapper, and whenever they post a new map, it shows up in your inbox or something? Tell me what you think.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Estranged' Thumbnail of the map 'Tense' Thumbnail of the map 'Dream Theatre' Thumbnail of the map 'Steralise' Thumbnail of the map 'Enethity'
Fire Estranged Tense Dream Theatre Steralise Enethity


Pages: (0)


it's from SC :P

i win

Demo Data

Very nice flow

and nice tileset
Demo Data



Nice aesthetics

One or two cool flow ideas, mostly in the first half of the race.

Oh right

i see ^^
its on the right next to the scroll bar? maybe you guys dont have it idk.

come again?

cant find the feedback thing in the top right??
the author favoriting has been taken into consideration, click on the feedback thing on the right of the page and vote for it ;)

anyways, not too bad of a map, seemed a tad loopy as most have said, but i like the aesthetics. 3.5^/5

I have thought of the suscriptions thing before :P It is a great idea


the flow was pretty good, though it felt like it dragged on in parts.
I think the asthetics were pretty good, and i didn't have problems with the rockets, except the left one when going to fast.

i also think that would be a good idea for this website.
It would also be cool if there was a way of searching for maps by name.

Demo Data


Most of the tiles were good, Some pretty nice close-calls, The switches placed together look terrible, Flow was good but a bit generic. 3.5/5


It's alright. Very loopy. Pretty generic. Looks messy. But good flow and enemies.


I think you should have an inbox here on this website.
after the second launchpad I thought it was fun. Nothing more than a 3, though. Also, I like you subscription idea, as it would allow people with at least one "fan" to essentially not have a map go completely unnoticed and then no one could complain about that anymore. However, people will get creative and do so anyway BUT I do like it as long as it was implemented here on numa instead of on the forums which is what i assumed you meant as I don't like the fact that there's basically two separate websites that I just don't want to go involved with if you're a more sporadic mapper like myself.

nice flow i agree

you cleaned it up very nicely (even though i never saw the messy version)

-4 frames
Demo Data

nice flow

Can you beat me??

even though that's pretty slow.


Demo Data