
Thumbnail of the map 'war'

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Author schaaaf
Tags author:schaaaf fun hardish tileset unrated usable
Created 2009-10-02
Last Modified 2009-10-02
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description private N!*ratterratter*
inflitrate the two houses in the south and kill that fucking MGs!!!*bambambam*
ehhhr private N ??we ve spotted some enemy RPG*tshhht over*
forget those MGs*tshhht*
return to the team !!!immediately!!!*tshhht over*

Other maps by this author

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Superstallion when the sun sparkles in the rain Smog Toon masochist "Shit I forgot my key"2 /alternative way floating mines


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But that tileset is badass.

Did it [].


inspired me. May I use the idea?


awesome weapon tileset! what about your icq?

Excellent tiles.

I got to work on that.