"Shit I forgot my key"2 /alternative way

Thumbnail of the map '"Shit I forgot my key"2 /alternative way'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author schaaaf
Tags author:schaaaf ded fun mines rated tiles yahoozy
Created 2009-09-15
Last Modified 2010-06-26
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description ded to yahoozy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Graphyt' Thumbnail of the map 'Rosenrot' Thumbnail of the map 'Superstallion' Thumbnail of the map 'when the sun sparkles in  the rain' Thumbnail of the map 'Smog' Thumbnail of the map 'Toon masochist'
Graphyt Rosenrot Superstallion when the sun sparkles in the rain Smog Toon masochist


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Coolest 3d effect I have seen.

Dann post einfach auf ner alten karte von mir oder meld dich an.
Könntest du nicht sowas ähnliches nochmal machen, dann mir im Forum per PM zusenden, dann editiere ich die Objects und sende es zurück, dann editierst du noch mal, usw. bis es beiden gefällt. Oder einfach: (Do you want to collab?)

i no

i did say it wasnt finished


nice tiles


of 3D

dude this tiles

are sooooo cool 5/5aved

I rated a 2.

That's not a snipe.


sniped >.<
But man, those tiles!



I've seen this type of 3d tiles before, but never like that roof. Also the car is sweet. Unfortunatley the gameplay of this map didn't stand up the tileset.