Falling For

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Author blocto123
Tags author:blocto123 blocto123 drone flow race rated
Created 2009-08-18
Last Modified 2009-08-18
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description well i hope u like this 1. thank u _destiny^- [] and rit0987 [] for teaching me cool flow techniques. RCE!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Smilie Faces On the Wall' Thumbnail of the map 'Destruction' Thumbnail of the map 'Conquer' Thumbnail of the map 'Whoa' Thumbnail of the map 'Thizz' Thumbnail of the map 'Advanced Biology'
Smilie Faces On the Wall Destruction Conquer Whoa Thizz Advanced Biology


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drone planning must have taken ages with this one XP
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Demo Data


but i didnt like the tiles much...

I beg to differ

I, for one, am going to stand up for blocto's gold...for the most part (other than center-far-right and leftmost-far-bottom), I thought it looked quite natural. I don't think there's any one best way to do gold---so long as it sort of fits in.

agree with rit


the flow was kinda unflowy on some sections, but a pretty solid race 3.5/5up

Bad drone :O

The flow was pretty nice, and the route was pretty slick too. It looked fairly good, and the enemies were (mostly) effective. So where does it fall down?

I think the way you have placed the mines and the gold is the problem, really. you need to try and keep them tidy, in a chaotic fashion, if that's the mood you're aiming at. Placing mines on the left or right side of a 5 (or the flat tip of a 6 or 7) looks bad, and you should try and avoid it - you have no idea how many times i had to tell riobe that :P - and your gold was a little messy. Gold should have a consistent pattern, and should match the atmoshphere and theme of your race. If you look at some of the more polished races, you'll see the gold is (mostly) the same pattern repeated a number of times. That's what you should aim for next.
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very enjoyable to watch demo's, i suck at races though, so i can't bother spending too much time on it, a solid 4 to you good sir

just a hint

don't use zap drones in races unless you are 100% that you will not hit them at maximum speeds - player's don't deserve to be killed especially when they are a better player than the author ;)

Didn't like the top thwump and there were too many mines in annoying places. Still better than most crap submitted here. 3/5 and agree with the others.


I agree with boonie on a few things. I also died when I went too fast. The part that bothered me the most was the loss of flow at the top right when you jump into the trapdoors. Still, I liked it. 4/5. =D
Demo Data


pretty nice tileset there.
though i was dissapointed when i went to play it.
The flow was generally pretty good, but some spots - like before and after the chimney was sorta dodgy.

The weapon placement needed the most work on though. The laser at the bottom didn't do anything when going to slow, but when going to fast i died excessively.
also the chaingun and other drones didn't do too much.

overall a 3.5^ because of your improvement from previous races.

and an agd to finish it off...
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