Thumbnail of the map 'LGS'

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Author blocto123
Tags author:blocto123 blocto123 flow playable race rated
Created 2009-07-31
Last Modified 2009-07-31
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description race,, enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Give Up the Fight' Thumbnail of the map 'The Purple Lightswitch' Thumbnail of the map 'The Messenger' Thumbnail of the map 'ChAoS' Thumbnail of the map 'Sectumsempra!' Thumbnail of the map 'Hazardous'
Give Up the Fight The Purple Lightswitch The Messenger ChAoS Sectumsempra! Hazardous


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Fast AGD

Would have been a 4, but given a 3 because i die if i go too fast.
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generally this was fairly good.
thoguh the looks weren't that good, and the flow was pretty boring.
Also when placing gold try and form better looking clumps with a maximum of around 8. and the mines seemed to be placed randomly anywhere in the map.


loved what you did with the bouncy block =D.
i found that the jump with the chain gun and the trap door was very tough... i could barely get past it... once..

your aesthetics improved, everything looks cleaner including the tiles, flow was good, naturally.. and sure let's collab. :D


It's okay. Nothing really special.