The Purple Lightswitch

Thumbnail of the map 'The Purple Lightswitch'

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Author blocto123
Tags author:blocto123 flow fun playable race rated
Created 2009-07-21
Last Modified 2009-07-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description ..turns things on >.>.. well another race. enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'What Can I Say' Thumbnail of the map 'This House is Not a Graveyard' Thumbnail of the map 'S.A.M.' Thumbnail of the map '21' Thumbnail of the map 'guns' Thumbnail of the map 'Give Up the Fight'
What Can I Say This House is Not a Graveyard S.A.M. 21 guns Give Up the Fight


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If you thought the race was that bad, why give it a 3? secondly, I don't think its that bad, so I'm giving it a 3 ;)

I like bounce blocks in races, and you used them quite well I thought.


this was confusing, and the flow/asthetics weren't great.
try not using rows of 3 bounceblocks. You need to build a solid style just using tiles.

kind of confusing of where you were suppose to go and needed to flow better 3/5

it means

that it could've been /a little/ worse.

to be more specific: the gold was way too spaced, and inconsistently so. the mines went with the tiles alright, but the tiles didn't fit together--the five tiles worked, but the long, slopes didn't mesh.

the flow was okay for the most part, but awful at least twice.

and there was nothing we haven't seen before.
and jumping off a flat surface after jumping off of something like at the start, really took the flow away
NR you still need to really make the flow as smooth as possible

whats that

supposed 2 mean?


it could've been much worse. 3...

getting a bit better but work on aesthetics and on flow especially... 3.5/5


improvement from last


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