campanian dreams

Thumbnail of the map 'campanian dreams'

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Author andalus
Tags author:andalus unrated
Created 2009-07-24
Last Modified 2009-07-24
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Seven.

Other maps by this author

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influx rome scape Madame Helga Tenure exiled blossom of light


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its possible to get the exit switch without the bottom door key, which i found out by screwing myself over when i got the bottom switch and found the exit blocked.

Demo Data
but rofl



The idea was there

But the execution needs work.

cool 4/5

its quite fun, a little gimmicky though, i mean, the teleporter feels a but out of place.

I liked the gauss tunnel-things, as well as the use of drones and doors.


A little

Though I changed the concept a bit.
Me First [].

I don't really like the teleporter - requiring precise landing (died 3 out of 4 times I played). Otherwise, gameplay's pretty banal though spiced up a little with the rushed feeling of racing the drones.