5-1: Mine-a-riffic

Thumbnail of the map '5-1: Mine-a-riffic'

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Author OutrightOJ
Tags action author:outrightoj playable series unrated
Created 2009-07-16
Last Modified 2009-07-16
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Relatively new concept again with which I'll make another version of this map later on (because I placed the mines in the wrong angle).
That's about it. Be careful, it may not be as easy as it seems...
It probably is though.


<DED to xaelar>

Other maps by this author

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Micro Alphabet: Y for yungerkid Wait, why am I here again? 4-4: Over The Tiles And Far Away... 5-0: Jump, Jump! Micro Alphabet: Z for Zorkona There and Back


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the last jump can be much faster, but i died there so many times after agd, that i choosed the safe way instead of trying that another 10 times

great map
Demo Data