There and Back

Thumbnail of the map 'There and Back'

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Author OutrightOJ
Tags action author:outrightoj nreality playable rated
Created 2009-07-12
Last Modified 2009-07-12
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Ok, this is my FIRST NREALITY MAP!

Please tell me what you think of it; if it turns out well I may make more in the future :)

Apologies if you find the difficulty too easy or if it's a bit laggy.

Please RCE!

DED to cucumber_boy for helping me out - thanks, man :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '4-3: Up 'N' Around' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro Alphabet: Y for yungerkid' Thumbnail of the map 'Wait, why am I here again?' Thumbnail of the map '4-4: Over The Tiles And Far Away...' Thumbnail of the map '5-0: Jump, Jump!' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro Alphabet: Z for Zorkona'
4-3: Up 'N' Around Micro Alphabet: Y for yungerkid Wait, why am I here again? 4-4: Over The Tiles And Far Away... 5-0: Jump, Jump! Micro Alphabet: Z for Zorkona


Pages: (0)

One tip: the drones move down a little at the start. If you do re-make the map, set all of their speeds to 0.


pretty difficult, but great map
Demo Data


0th at nreality highscores :D

Thanks, man :)

Thanks to everyone who commented as well :)


Outright i made a ded for you. check it out. 169225

i give it

a 5/5. i liked this a lot.
But since this was my first and I already had a few problems with codes I decided not to over-complicate things :P
But who knows, maybe when I get better with NReality I could remake this map with that added attribute :)

Cool conzept

on my notebook it lags a bit, but it more a notebook problem.

May u can try to add a trigger. When u open the door that the laser turn around so u go again agenst the laser. (If possable)

4 - A good first Nreality map

I think ...

it's an excellent concept, but the lag is annoying. I'm not a good mapmaker, so my opinion doesn't count for much, but I like it. 4/5
but it was maybe a bit long. Still really fun and good use of mod. There is a agd demo on nreality that was somewhat hard to get its also below
Demo Data

I meant

3.5, and I'm rounding up since it's your first.


nice concept, my main concern is that the mobility is severly limited; it's hard to manoeuvre oneself up the tiles without hitting a mine, falling or clipping the edge of a laser.

I think it lags, but its a good idea, if it didn't lag, I'd probably find it annoying though tbh