The Next One

Thumbnail of the map 'The Next One'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author isaacx
Tags action author:isaacx playable rated
Created 2009-07-12
Last Modified 2009-07-23
by 11 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'One way or the slow way' Thumbnail of the map 'Dominoes' Thumbnail of the map 'An something' Thumbnail of the map 'Hidden objects stay hidden' Thumbnail of the map '/blank/' Thumbnail of the map 'Hiding Place'
One way or the slow way Dominoes An something Hidden objects stay hidden /blank/ Hiding Place


Pages: (0)

- Too hard
- Awkward to maneuver in (left side)
- Aesthetics are significantly lacking

Additionally, I'd just say either tone down the rockets or the lack of maneuverability, because both together is too much. 4/10

Demo Data
It's alright.
Demo Data
/me keeps playing.

I cann't tell if this is an action, race or what. 4/5

To many mines.

Rockets would have been manageable without some of the mines. 4/5
Demo Data
Other than that, I liked it. Although a switch is stuck outside the level. (see the level on fullscreen)

The bottom bit was my favourite bit.

So just delete some rockets. I'm recommending the one on the bottom-right and the middle-left one.

Nice Job! 4.5^^aved.