Flamboyant Caves

Thumbnail of the map 'Flamboyant Caves'

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Author Tunco123
Tags . 123 action altarc author:tunco123 caves rated
Created 2009-06-13
Last Modified 2009-06-13
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description This was actually submitted to AltArc, I decided to submit it to here to get it more attention.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Breakfast Cereal Mountain' Thumbnail of the map 'Side effects' Thumbnail of the map 'A.T.W.A.' Thumbnail of the map 'UpStream' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Quitting Numa, Bye Everyone' Thumbnail of the map 'Vignette Exercises'
Breakfast Cereal Mountain Side effects A.T.W.A. UpStream I'm Quitting Numa, Bye Everyone Vignette Exercises


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I guess I'm just bad at those kind of jumps. I barely managed to get the first switch, and I couldn't get the second one, after quite a few tries. It seemed to get easier as you go along. Not that that's bad or anything.

pretty cool

I managed the first floor and almost second...
the jumps were challenging.
Felt Like climbing through a clouds intestine. 4
