Easter Omen

Thumbnail of the map 'Easter Omen'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt easter holidays rated
Created 2009-04-14
Last Modified 2009-04-14
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Happy Easter from GTM! For some reason these tiles remind me of Ninja Gaiden... hmmm...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A Thorough Kicking' Thumbnail of the map 'Linear Lapin' Thumbnail of the map 'High Tech Gold... No' Thumbnail of the map '07~3: Lightswitch Engage' Thumbnail of the map 'In Her Forties' Thumbnail of the map 'Guard The Garden!'
A Thorough Kicking Linear Lapin High Tech Gold... No 07~3: Lightswitch Engage In Her Forties Guard The Garden!


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It must have taken a while to make. If only you'd taken the time to inject some of the personality of the tiles into the gameplay.

nice structure.

but the gameplay kills it. normally i'm fine with generic, but this lacked a spark. had potential with that structure though.
I haven't been able to...



it was like a camouflaged race. you didnt have much control, but it seemed like you did :(
Demo Data

Haha nice landscape


I'm always rather rusty at n, but I liked it, specially the middle, fast part.

I've disliked two things though: the zone where you catch the key is kind of boring, and the "box" where the key is... shouldn't look like a box :D
Another thing is the chaingun+gold. It's hard :(

A solid 4/5 and not-AGD demo (didn't catch the chaingold)
Demo Data

I was THIS close.

Great tiles, but the gameplay was lacking.
Demo Data
Totally a sinking pirate ship.


The rocket and chaingun really made it fresh. 4.5^



Gameplay is a little bland/generic. Not much personality past the thumb.
turned out pretty average/good.
so wtf 4/5


One of my favourites from you. I'm not a big long-winded map fan, and this is right on the border imo. I don't really like the mine+chain combo, but its thrilling, so its a pass.

Demo Data