SpaceStation 73

Thumbnail of the map 'SpaceStation 73'

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Author ChrisE
Tags author:chrise moa rated techno
Created 2009-02-15
Last Modified 2009-02-15
by 9 people.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'So Simple #12' Thumbnail of the map '69 - The Fastest Number' Thumbnail of the map 'Every Breath You Take' Thumbnail of the map 'Red'N'Gold' Thumbnail of the map 'An AGD Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Toys'R'Gauss'
So Simple #12 69 - The Fastest Number Every Breath You Take Red'N'Gold An AGD Challenge Toys'R'Gauss


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we can collab, just send me the start...
So that's good. But the theming was generic and overused imo, which is bad. That, and there wasn't enough going on without that motif.

Take a look at the map I've just made when I tried to run with this, and see what you think. (Not selfish plugging, more advice giving) I basically took the existing theme, made it my own a bit, introduced some nice mechanics with the gauss and voila.
is it good or bad?
The map is solid but uninspired, imo. I had a look at the theming in apse's feature (which is a lot like this as you're probably aware) and felt like I should take the map in a different direction. I'd like to say the same about this.


this theme was quite popular around mid 2006, just like i'd say the krusch/PALEMOON trend is all the rage atm.

Vine Vault []

Map was pretty average I thought, lacked personality and flare. Just my opinion.

Liked the chainguns but the tileset was amazing.4/5.

very good


rounded up.


I disagree

choosing different enemies would ruin the feel of this map imo.


A few hundred too many chaingun drones for my liking, I think you could remove half and replace with laser or chaser zap drones. Otherwise, very good. 4/5.