A Riveted Moon

Thumbnail of the map 'A Riveted Moon'

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Author Action_Agd
Tags author:action_agd hard minejumper rated
Created 2009-02-11
Last Modified 2009-02-11
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description Hello Numa, I've been making some maps for awhile now, but i have never submitted one. Heres my first okay. Enjoy it, its a hard minejumper, ded to agders.


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Your first map ... I 5aved

Especially for a first.


my first wasn't bad (I made a few before submitting my first too), but it wasn't actually good like this one! I won't rate though. I really don't like mine-jumpers personally.
I think it's really professional though, enough to have ratings beyond the "for a first" ratings.


sub 400
and my last comment was wrong i think
Demo Data
like i did might get it faster if you gegte the first bit right
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Slow AGD

Really good for a first map.
Demo Data
But you know how to make a teleporter?

You don't have me bought. ;D

agd - 1

agd without 1 gold :)
i have to go but then i will improve it :)
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Your initials are the same as Addicted_Ancestor's. No relevance btw.
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i think

the fastest agd yet.

what ndeavour said.
Demo Data
we shall keep a close eye on you. ^^

Who be you?



really nice work, you're growing on me alot now, I keep replaying your maps to speed it as fast as I possibly can, great work, I like this one more than your second map. The tiles are very nice, a solid minejumper, and fun gold, I like the creativity of the switch too, very good work, faved
Demo Data
canvasing numa for a mouth I'd posted a map within 30 minutes of finding out it existed a regret looking back well done anyway this is a great first map to start on 4.2/5. I got the door key first attempt no joke and then failed for like the next 6 times so weird when that happens =)
Demo Data


Bring it On!


fastest agd's get ded now. play it out.
...for such an awesome first map

4.5 and faved
Demo Data


stupid key!!

i still cant get it

There came the AGD

xD I think I will take it back :p
Difficulty is great all round =)
Also liked the height of the switch :p
Welcome to NUMA and good luck (does not seem like you need it though :p)
Demo Data

haha xD :)
thats a new one for me. very nice map

yay read your profile. . .
Demo Data

Very good :D

I like the map but I think it increases too much in difficulty inside (for my liking) =)
I will work on AGD
Here is a NGD/speed demo
Demo Data


the teleporter was tacky. uneeded. bbut the rest was fair good. welcome to NUMA, good luck in future. i hope i get along well with you and hope to see more from you :)

this got rated fast. and goodly! :D

Heh, influenced much. 5aved.

Very Very VERY good. well done. 5/5aved

please rate/play all.


jw as you know the term agd, used a teleporter, and have a better than usual first...

about a month, i have been gathering styles to use. I think the author who most influenced me was Revolsion or Miiio
perousing numa?

great first map

Demo Data

speed run

Demo Data

to get it*

its the challenge get it :) i can get it would you like me to post a demo?
first map and youve got me hooked, only problem is the exit swith is a tad to high, bring it down maybe a tiles length and this map is stellar