
Thumbnail of the map 'Slanted'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Technochocolate
Tags action author:technochocolate chainguns medium playable rated
Created 2009-02-01
Last Modified 2009-02-01
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A quicky, made cause I'm bored working on Omicron.

This chaingun map requires a different kind of skill. With good timing, this level is a snap. Otherwise, it's a hard map! *yes, very bad taste in poetry*

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Phi' Thumbnail of the map 'Upsilon' Thumbnail of the map 'Tau' Thumbnail of the map 'Sigma' Thumbnail of the map 'Rho' Thumbnail of the map 'Pi'
Phi Upsilon Tau Sigma Rho Pi


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this is fun 4/5


i made the map i ded to you, check out my latest map.
It didn't have to require luck.
but if you maneuvered differently, you could find yourself stuck.


I thought it was fast until I saw the comment by Bluenin a couple of the jumps could have been punchier but apart from that its hard to see how you could sub 400 as for the map it was ok I like this idea of a slant. However I don't like maps that just go round in a simple loop I think you could have done more with it and it forced you to take a route which sorta required luck up the top left. 3.4/5. check out my maps please =)
Demo Data


good point.
still like chaingun drones by far than anything else, though.
then i got my dead bodu to finish for me (lol)

about the map, simple quick ones are nice. but i like lasers instead of machine gun drones cuz i can actually see the laser.
Demo Data

Slow AGD
Demo Data

Once again,

I showed ignorance to the fact
that your recent map lacked
the ability to rate back... (ed) >.>
can't rhyme, can I?

I don't mind if you don't rate
Ratings are disabled; it doesn't matter, mate

This was my demo

Demo Data
slower though. nice job.
I'll look at your map, but would you rate mine?... -ap >.>

Now I've posted a demo with better speed
Don't bother posting one; there is no need
Demo Data
but Its only medium. demo coming soon.

Now that I've posted a demo as slow as crap
May I ask that you look at my map?
Demo Data

My ninja just keeps falling on his knees
And so now I ask, "Can I have a demo please?"
Maybe it's just easy for me, I've always thought I had a knack for chaingun drones.

This level looks cool like that on a slant
But then I tried to complete it, and I found that I can't