02~1: All Drones In Moderation

Thumbnail of the map '02~1: All Drones In Moderation'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt dronepaths gtmap-pack puzzlish rated
Created 2008-12-28
Last Modified 2009-01-03
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description A turning point for me. No, it's not what you're thinking.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '02~2: Static Slipstream' Thumbnail of the map '03~2: Manichaeism' Thumbnail of the map '02~4: In The Pipeline' Thumbnail of the map '02~0: Battlestar Battlefront' Thumbnail of the map 'GTM's Festive Surprise' Thumbnail of the map '01~4: The Square Side Of The Hypotenuse'
02~2: Static Slipstream 03~2: Manichaeism 02~4: In The Pipeline 02~0: Battlestar Battlefront GTM's Festive Surprise 01~4: The Square Side Of The Hypotenuse


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The cheating has been solved in the downloadable versions, maybe I should update my suggestions?


I liked the drones.
(sorry for double post)


I liked the parts with gold but getting the exit switch and the exit was pretty bad. Also, I'm pretty sure the cheated way is quicker.
Demo Data


The thwumps annoyed me the most, kinda fun.



i was saying that because none of your maps seem to stand out to me. i understand working within a style, but you have to make innovations within the style at some point. sounds like that's the criticism you had with the mappack ;). this raises an interesting question: how far can a style go before becoming monotonous? and is having a style over a long period of time really such a good thing?


and in my opinion, all of the pack was creative and inspired. i think we have different ideas of what constitutes a generic map. lol. i rest my case.

your style

is boring, dull, and uncreative.

Fair enough

That personally wouldn't affect my rating of a map, but meh, it doesnt matter tbh.

I even faved this map, but i cut off the rating because this map is CHEATABLE. Besides, it is much easier to complete if you cheat. At least, it is for me.
If it's harder to actually complete it that way. Besides that, if a cheat actually makes a map more freeform like this, surely it deserves a higher grade for it?


Would have given a 4 but this is cheatable
slowish agd
Demo Data

i think

you should have either made the whole map as the tileset to make it feel as part of a bigger map or d tiled the bottom right tiles to make it feel inclosed, 4