Major Breakage
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Author | PALEMOON |
Tags | author:palemoon rated unrated |
Created | 2008-12-10 |
Last Modified | 2008-12-10 |
Rating |
4 by 20 people.
Map Data | |
Description | Losttortuga's tileset. this looked cool and i was inspired.
is this palemoon? yeah, but it looks like no_one, who inspires me a lot. Cool tileset too. i am being friendly, talkative, and expansive today. i am also concerned that my stuff is getting very complacent. Like, remember when i used to be angry, austere, and generally a weirdo? sometimes i miss doing that. but, yeah. i will try to make new interesting stuff like i used to, instead of becoming some lame band that plays tired things that make me die inside or something. that kind of band would probably be named something like "COLDPLAY" but i'm not that band. i'm like a (cole) train. THIS TRAIN'S MOVING IN ANOTHER DIRECTION (Remember Methodic? i do ;_;) so, yeah. i love things, like N and long paragraphs. sometimes breeding fucking ghastlies for good IV's or whatever. |
Other maps by this author
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great map
you've changed your stuff around heaps already dude :p remember when you only did e-tile maps for like, about 2 years straight or something was it?
cool new style.
Still feels like PALEMOON though!
only 4...I like coldplay.
only 4...I like coldplay.
You need the change. Your average stuff is amazing, but not when it's driven to the point where it's every map you make. I like the new direction.
Just for the description.
I do think
that if this gets featured, tortuga should get his name on there as a coauthor...great placement of gauss and oneway and all, but the ts was his. But I would love this to get featured. Great map...5 like I said earlier
This is my favorite map
of that tileset so far...and I have looked at 3. Congratz do you and Tortuga.
breeding ghastlies for IVs sucks
and the map is excellent
5/5 his best work yet
feature this shit post haste
am i even joking? text is like monotone so you will never be able to tell.
5/5 his best work yet
feature this shit post haste
am i even joking? text is like monotone so you will never be able to tell.
Except better.
Seriously, I enjoyed this map on so many levels that had nothing to do with the fact that it was built off my tiles.
The guasses worked so well with your one-ways and mines, almost like peaches'n'cream, although I've always prefered strawberries'n'cream, so perhaps that is a better analogy here.
Awesome fun. I think the austere PALEMOON was a good one.
Seriously, I enjoyed this map on so many levels that had nothing to do with the fact that it was built off my tiles.
The guasses worked so well with your one-ways and mines, almost like peaches'n'cream, although I've always prefered strawberries'n'cream, so perhaps that is a better analogy here.
Awesome fun. I think the austere PALEMOON was a good one.
a g d
And I know what you mean, man.
Demo Data |
Great Map 4/5aved
I loved this map ... the objects worked really well with these tiles ... i dont think you could do any better.
Really fun to AGD + is sorta hard but still gives you that "NO STRESS" Feeling if you know what i mean. i cant see any flaws but im only giving this a 4/5. GREAT WORK .. Waiting for more.
ALSO that description i literaly WTF'd lol ..
Really fun to AGD + is sorta hard but still gives you that "NO STRESS" Feeling if you know what i mean. i cant see any flaws but im only giving this a 4/5. GREAT WORK .. Waiting for more.
ALSO that description i literaly WTF'd lol ..