floorguard v.2

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Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven dda floorguard floorguards unfinished unrated v.2
Created 2008-11-24
Last Modified 2008-11-24
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
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Description okay, still not finished and next version will be last, it will not get any longer but will have more enemys. somebody please help me with a name for last version.

Other maps by this author

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bowtie simple challenge drone jumper tetris . floorguard v.1


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is to start with the enemies, than make the DDA

youre doing it the other way round
the only thing it has going for it the fact thats its a DDA. And all DDA's are fun to watch.

Nice :)

Just got boring at some times. The floorguards made it. :]


Pretty good map there's not a lot of maps with floor guards anymore, and im respect that you didnt use just launchpads.
Check out my DDA's. Anyway 4 out of 5.

How about

"Final Floorguard Frenzy"

yeah, it's because of no other enemys, I'll add those next version.


same thing as last time, it lacks some sorta glam and sparkle
the idea is great its just being exocuted(sp?)bad