drone jumper

Thumbnail of the map 'drone jumper'

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Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven concept conceptual hard nreality unrated
Created 2008-11-21
Last Modified 2008-11-21
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description CONCEPT!!! rate likewise, it IS probably too hard but is a CONCEPT.
RCE etc...

Other maps by this author

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pulsation circle the mine edition circle 3 evil sun bowtie simple challenge


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sorry, I didn't notice that...


I can't seem to get over the third without the drones going under it first...


I've made it over the second peak once, but then I died on the way over the third.


great idea! but a little bit dificult... very good..

pleas see my new levels! :)
I don't think you can make it over the second peak before the drones double back beneath it.

I did, and I did not know the other posted: it said it didn't

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