
Thumbnail of the map 'carbon'

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Author apse
Tags author:apse hard minejumper rated
Created 2008-11-12
Last Modified 2008-11-12
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description my first proper minejumper that i have submitted. it's quite small, but is very challenging, as it requires some precise jumps. fastest agd gets a ded.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Relativity' Thumbnail of the map 'love/hate relationship' Thumbnail of the map 'superfluous documentation' Thumbnail of the map 'notkitt' Thumbnail of the map 'guardian' Thumbnail of the map 'compressed'
Relativity love/hate relationship superfluous documentation notkitt guardian compressed


Pages: (0)

fun... but hard

tileset was bad... but i'll give it a four..




seeing as youre the only one to submit an agd, i guess you can get the ded. but you only get 1, cos you won the other map as well... :D

i'll start working on it right away

... it is the AGD to beat for the ded...
Demo Data

... sorry for the triple post but when does this ded possibility end?...


...oops i fergot to comment lol...just like most mine jumpers the jumps are pretty tough but when you put them all together it just multiplies the difficulty...but i actually had a blast on this map! i love the sense of precision in the jump to the curved area...5/5 easily...make more like this!...

... this is fuckin hard...i coudlnt get AGD but here is my completion...if none gets and AGD do i get the ded?...
Demo Data