superfluous documentation

Thumbnail of the map 'superfluous documentation'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author apse
Tags author:apse hard rated
Created 2008-11-11
Last Modified 2008-11-11
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description thanks to guitar_hero_matt for inspiration.... awesome map -

oh well...


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The travels of a simpleton; Part 1' Thumbnail of the map 'famine' Thumbnail of the map 'us' Thumbnail of the map 'imitation' Thumbnail of the map 'Relativity' Thumbnail of the map 'love/hate relationship'
The travels of a simpleton; Part 1 famine us imitation Relativity love/hate relationship


Pages: (0)

Pretty cool map

Some great moments, but i didnt like the laser placement. 4

well i dont

find it hard....

this is my first try getting up there (after you commented)

then again, thats just your opinion :p
Demo Data
is much too difficult, compared to the rest of the map. Love the tileset. This earns you a 3 because the map isn't very balanced and not increasingly fun either.

it was directed

at lightning

cool map

I will give 4.5/5 if i could, but i canĀ“t so i give you 5!!!


Dont understand what??


dont understand


Too difficult for me

: (

no one wants to comment my map...


it is

is this serious?

10 votes no comment?