
Thumbnail of the map 'imitation'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author apse
Tags author:apse playable rated tileset usable
Created 2008-11-10
Last Modified 2008-11-10
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description thats what it says. a quick word i made in about 15 minutes.


if you use it, then send me a link.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'stay' Thumbnail of the map 'insomniac' Thumbnail of the map 'drunk man throws up' Thumbnail of the map 'The travels of a simpleton; Part 1' Thumbnail of the map 'famine' Thumbnail of the map 'us'
stay insomniac drunk man throws up The travels of a simpleton; Part 1 famine us


Pages: (0)

i worked it out

if you put 5 of them in a circle, it will work

i know thats hard to visualize


i kind of absolutely screwed it up

but oh well


Ratio... not ration.


I turned it upside-down, inside-out then reversed the polarity of the image while maintaining an even light to dark ration. Then, after rigorous filtration I exposed the product to a solution of hydrochloride sulfate. The resulting image consisted of 4 parts which I then put on top of each other, then flipped.
THAT showed 'imitation'.
d-(^_^ )

Or backwards

Or inside out, or outside left, or inside up.

Demo Data

Ya, nice text.

But... I can't seem to read 'imitation' when I turn it upside down :/

Wtf happened here?

Cool text btw.


thats really cool
