the roof

Thumbnail of the map 'the roof'

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Author Addicted_Ancestor
Tags author:addicted_ancestor burn fire hot is stuff unrated
Created 2008-11-12
Last Modified 2008-11-12
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description its on fire.

Other maps by this author

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severalpartslater, inmypants shookup seeweed space war slim grizzly jack great expectations t minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... hammer hammer anvil bang


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Do you honestly think that I didn't? In all fairness, I suppose I could've clarified. The /tiles/ are a complete rip-off. I'm actually not sure how you didn't see that. Please, think before you post.

Its not a ripoff

They have completely different gameplay styles. Please, think before you post.

They look great. Playing on them, with the rockets, is kinda annoying however =/
still, gameplay overall is fun, 4

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