great expectations

Thumbnail of the map 'great expectations'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Addicted_Ancestor
Tags action author:addicted_ancestor baby grump plaby unrated
Created 2008-11-01
Last Modified 2008-11-01
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description fallen short

Other maps by this author

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iwishthismapwasalittlebetter spacetimelinerupturebreak! heavy atmosfear severalpartslater, inmypants shookup seeweed space war slim grizzly jack


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been sitting in my favorites for a long time, i just don't like commenting until i can get a decent demo. that rocket is a straight up fiend.
Demo Data

I saw your comment

on the forums about your map being not noticed
Well not they're being noticed
By me :)

I'll try and keep in contact with you.
And if you're nice to me i'll rate all yer map a 5 for no particular reason