Maggots in a Sapphire Peach

Thumbnail of the map 'Maggots in a Sapphire Peach'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action agd author:guitar_hero_matt dronepaths rated zapdrones
Created 2008-10-31
Last Modified 2008-10-31
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Just a neat little dronepath map I made, quite similar to my other map Assorted Cashews and Parasites, but probably better. Entry into both the Candy Coated Contest and the Paradigm Shift contest, try a speedy agd. RCE.

Also, may lag a bit on some computers, 28 drones can be a bit hard to cope with sometimes.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Paradise City' Thumbnail of the map 'Showdown' Thumbnail of the map 'No Sound In the Underground' Thumbnail of the map 'Quarry in Contempt' Thumbnail of the map 'Lex Luthor's Been Building Bridges' Thumbnail of the map 'Thundering Rickety Rides of the C21st'
Paradise City Showdown No Sound In the Underground Quarry in Contempt Lex Luthor's Been Building Bridges Thundering Rickety Rides of the C21st


Pages: (0)


If your quick, you really dont have to wait for the drones until near the end

agd - 2501 / 153.475
Demo Data


from México.

I love the drones


you people

needa watch Team America: Police Squad.
its all about the justice and wisdom of *our* great country >.<
ded to you, see description

it doesnt help

if you say you just rated it a while back
rate a differnet map or something, but dont post without rating anythig

That's a lie

you are all here to trick me...

Fairly slow agd

Sub 2000 may or may not be possible.
Demo Data


The gold in the bottom right corner has been made easier to get. And we were doing a collab? I think Im being to stop offering collabs, I never remember them :P And I kinda prefer doing solo projects. :P


my mistook, of the two cambridges you were the other one


you live in UK?
Everyone here lives in Europe or is an Aussie. Nobody is American anymore.


Sooooooooo long (the way I did it)

BTW did you forget about our colab?
Demo Data
Im in the UK. Slightly more than 30 mins :P

I saw on the forum

a fractal called cambridge, is that cambridge nz

if so im from hamilton only 30 mins away

I like the gold

Its encourages you to navigate around the surface, and makes the structure more whole imo. And theres a lot less gold than there was before >_< And Ive decided not to change my style too much, as tbh Im good at it and should stick to my strengths for the sake of the community. :P

Thanks for the comments guys.


its slow, I know.
Demo Data
Otherwise Id have made some seekers. Really, they were just used to make speedy agds harder. And Im working on that Paranoia map, dont think Ive forgotten it :P


i thought i was gonna win cos i had no competitors, good map


too much gold, the paths were fine, but it felt rushed. one-ways were helpful
seems like your style hasnt changed much
Demo Data


I didn't like it, the drones didn't pose much of a threat, they just made me wait. But I liked the tileset O_o
And hey, see if you want to use some of my tilesets, you got paranoia to do remember :P

