No Sound In the Underground

Thumbnail of the map 'No Sound In the Underground'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags author:guitar_hero_matt dronepaths logic minejumper puzzle rated
Created 2008-10-28
Last Modified 2008-10-28
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Possibly the quietest level youll have played in a while. Also a puzzly concept thing. Find the best path to get an agd from. RCE!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The 1421 Hypothesis' Thumbnail of the map 'Resisting The Fall of a Man' Thumbnail of the map 'Burning The Eagle's Wings' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Power Plant Puzzle 4' Thumbnail of the map 'Paradise City' Thumbnail of the map 'Showdown'
The 1421 Hypothesis Resisting The Fall of a Man Burning The Eagle's Wings Prison Power Plant Puzzle 4 Paradise City Showdown


Pages: (0)

First try agd

Fastest :p
Not sure its a puzzler, I certainly wanst thinking ahead...

agd - 2587 / 129.325
Demo Data


=D cant do the agd
Demo Data
I can't AGD because I lag, then fall into the exit switch and exit >.<


liked the mine placement

Attempted (failed) ADG attempt below
Demo Data

O, I forgot my AGD.

Well, tell me if this gets beaten. tnx ^^
Demo Data


Just for a few minutes, my new map!
Sorry GHM, this is directed to you


I love this.
Puzzly and goldy.
I'm not gay.
I'm working on one.
I feel that if you added or removed any more gold from either chamber, the map wouldn't be as good.
But then I thought having equal amounts of gold in each would encourage the players to use both corridors more to solve the puzzle and find better routes. And the mine chambers looked sparse without the gold imo.
I only feel that the gold is too abundent in the mine chamber compared to the drone chamber.

Having that said, the drone chamber is alot tougher and should have more gold.

But still, +4.

Nice map.
Let me know if its get beaten. Then I'll be back :)
4/5. me likes drone paths to. I'm bad at making them but....


Good use of launchpads. 4/5aved

I will play this

Looks fun. ^_^


u really like drone paths...