my first race

Thumbnail of the map 'my first race'

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Author garfield50
Tags author:garfield50 flow-ish fun medium race rated
Created 2008-10-21
Last Modified 2008-10-21
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description hey this is my first race...
the beginning stinks because i actually made the beginning months ago when i wasn't very good at mapmaking.
don't rate too harshly cuz it's my first.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My first DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Pipes 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Trapped!' Thumbnail of the map 'Unlucky Superstitions' Thumbnail of the map 'Atomic Bomb' Thumbnail of the map 'Super Bunny'
My first DDA Pipes 2 Trapped! Unlucky Superstitions Atomic Bomb Super Bunny


Pages: (0)

I tripped.

...and broke my spine.
Demo Data
but it was a bit cofusing without the demo...
i agree with matty...try to use gold for a guide,,,
besides that it was an excellent first race

good map

and an ok first race. It would be good to extend it, and maybe use the gold to guide you. Otherwise good idea.
Also, a good way to make maps(or at least how I do it someimes) is I draw a line in a box about the size of an N room to represent the movement that N would take. Then, I use that line and make a map.

I'm lovin' it!


well, uh

not flowy enough and stop telling people "welcome to numa" its annoying me
when it turns gold, it is in your favorites
this demo is slow. can be better.
Demo Data


mines covering up the rocket were ugly, launchpad at teh bottom facing down that slowed you down was gay, i lost track of teh flow many times, loopy

Needs improvement


OK. here is a demo
this demo doesn't demostrate the flow very well, because my computer is slow so i can't jump through flow very well.
anyway, here it is
Demo Data