Pipes 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Pipes 2'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author garfield50
Tags author:garfield50 flowy fun playable rated
Created 2008-07-11
Last Modified 2008-07-11
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description I remember once playing a level called "pipes", and it inspired me to make this

rate, comment, etc.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Four Paths' Thumbnail of the map 'Choices...' Thumbnail of the map 'Tower of Terror!' Thumbnail of the map 'It is not easy to be Santa' Thumbnail of the map 'The golden base is your goal' Thumbnail of the map 'My first DDA'
Four Paths Choices... Tower of Terror! It is not easy to be Santa The golden base is your goal My first DDA


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5aved =)


this map is ownage....i loved it!!!

sorry jeffery,

the pipes level that inspired me was by tomthebomb.


and i think the pipes level was either this:
or this:

both made by me
sorry i dont know how to link

this is a really fun level, though i ran out of time many a time, its a really cool design

Great !

Great effort to finish this complex design.


Like a door eerie, with less door, and more eerie!


Very complexicated.


Must have taken you a while. And I love the end where he does a bunch of different things. 5

Rock on, man!

:) To quote Mc Donalds "I'm loving it!" 5aved


one of the bests race lvls!!!

i realy enjoyed!!!



This is nice.

Just got boring.

nice ending

i like the touch of the slops fitting the celebrations at the end and sqeezing alot of map out of a little space 4 =]

hey yeah...

this is rly cool

Very well made map

il give it a 4
consisting of 4 maps, by tomthebomb, was much better than this. i would recommend making it longer and including more doors.

i like

this one is very cool.:)

i like!

was the original anything like it?