
Thumbnail of the map 'Lightning55'

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Author UnknownKirbyMan
Tags action author:unknownkirbyman ded lightning55 playable unrated
Created 2008-09-17
Last Modified 2008-09-17
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Ded to lightning55 because I said no-one could beat me at a certain Nreality map an he was the first.
So there.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'What do I do?' Thumbnail of the map 'Under Construction' Thumbnail of the map 'Gettin Closer' Thumbnail of the map 'Organic or Eganic?' Thumbnail of the map 'Eganicy' Thumbnail of the map 'Submit A Stupid Map'
What do I do? Under Construction Gettin Closer Organic or Eganic? Eganicy Submit A Stupid Map


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you smoke?

:o lol
to get to the exit? Ive tried almost all the switches and no cigar (even in 2's because there are 2 doors. Thanks for the ded but its nothing I would have expected a ded to be. Still thanks.


im have only one acount.
I am still discovering my style.


i submitted that twice. aaah! triple comment oh noooo!!


you have so many different styles and you're really just starting. you might as well be like 5 different beginners with one account. maybe you are :0


you have so many different styles and you're really just starting. you might as well be like 5 different beginners with one account. maybe you are :0

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in Nreality Highscore please.