Under Construction

Thumbnail of the map 'Under Construction'

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Author UnknownKirbyMan
Tags author:unknownkirbyman dda incomplete playable unrated
Created 2008-09-11
Last Modified 2008-09-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Working on my first DDA.
Thwump powered.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Smoke in the top left corner' Thumbnail of the map '#468 - Togekiss' Thumbnail of the map 'Eganic' Thumbnail of the map '#134 - Vaporeon' Thumbnail of the map 'Spears' Thumbnail of the map 'What do I do?'
Smoke in the top left corner #468 - Togekiss Eganic #134 - Vaporeon Spears What do I do?


Pages: (0)

The tileset rocks!

so this is a 4. or 3.5 to be more accurate

Yes sir

I will start as soon as possible.
other than that, its good. NR

Also I want my ded you promised []

i'll give it a 3/5
however, eganic has less experience in making dda's on this site than George Bush. eganic has seen some very good dda's in his time, and he knows a lot of the "common knowledge" on making them. if you would still like his advice, just say so.


I am still trying to make this.

Eganic, Could you hel me with this?
If you do, you may change tiles and add/remove twumps.

haha gnarly NR

finish eeeet!! so i can rate it.


So far it looks pretty good.
Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

I'll rate it a 3/5 since its unfinished but still is pretty good.