The Decent Lakes

Thumbnail of the map 'The Decent Lakes'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Acrosstheuniverse
Tags author:acrosstheuniverse map n-art-ish rated tileset world
Created 2008-06-02
Last Modified 2008-06-02
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Not great, in fact probably only The Sub Par Lakes.

I found this tileset in an old word document. I'm not sure what I was going to do with it but I'd love it if someone made this a tiny ninja map.

Use and abuse, not need to cred. This is an open source copyleft tileset.

Other maps by this author

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INterNatioNal Line Rider With a Name Like Eva Braun... And Jesus Spake; "Whores Are Cool Now" Lyre of the Seraphim


Pages: (0)


It's hard to make tile art, but this is near perfection.

Hi there.

Better than decent lakes. I used them for a minejumper.

The Great Lakes?!

My home country.


Wisconsin and the UP(upper peninsula of Michigan) are a bit off, but hey, still cool! Im going there this summer (well, above and to the left of the ninja.)
4/5 Do more tilesets.
All maps are dda's really. This one is just particularly long and uneventful. I guess I'll remove the tag now if I can.


really nice job getting the shape right.
Just one question: Why did you tag this as a dda?
You could put rockets at major cities. That'd be kind of cool. But then it's like "There are major cities in Michigan?!"