Lyre of the Seraphim

Thumbnail of the map 'Lyre of the Seraphim'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Acrosstheuniverse
Tags author:acrosstheuniverse auto-generated cock hard playable puzzle-ish rated
Created 2008-05-30
Last Modified 2008-05-30
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A map inspired by Joanna Newsom's EP Walnut Whales.

The map doesn't have an exit because I don't want to impose any ideas of how you should complete it and is beaten by getting all the gold.

The first time I made this map I accidentally closed it without saving, so the second time I just used Lod's tartmake for the tileset.

Hope you like it.

Other maps by this author

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INterNatioNal Line Rider With a Name Like Eva Braun... And Jesus Spake; "Whores Are Cool Now"


Pages: (0)


its an auto-generated cock. []



That's okay.

But the egg? That's funny right?

i didnt like it

You can get all the gold and that's all you need to do.


Is it beatable?


I just realized that I have "hard" and "cock" in the tags. I wonder if that'll increase map traffic.

Thanks for the 5 Sky.

5, love it.