Race for map contest

Thumbnail of the map 'Race for map contest'

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Author Brickman
Tags author:brickman playable uncategorized unrated v1.3b
Created 2004-09-01
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Oops, forgot the mine limit. Lucky I caught that before submitting a link. Here's the origional comments

Description This is my second entry for the contest. Its one of the ones that I had made but never got around to submitting (not yet, at least, but eventually I will submit a wave of new maps). I went back and added a second row of drones, added a horiizontal door to the vertical column to make it work, moved around the 1 way floors near the end to be more fair, and altered a few tiles at the top so I could add a drone up there.
Goal: get to the first button before the drones reach the doors, and get to the end of the racetrack before they do. Failling either makes the level unwinnable, just like any time trial. But in mine you also have to actually worry about the ninja in addition to the cutoff.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gladiator update' Thumbnail of the map 'Sentries' Thumbnail of the map 'Infiltrate' Thumbnail of the map 'precision' Thumbnail of the map 'Sentry fun' Thumbnail of the map 'Race'
Gladiator update Sentries Infiltrate precision Sentry fun Race


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jesus christ dude that was so groovy how did u do that?

cool map

argh!!1 I'm being chased!!1!2@@
Demo Data