Gladiator update

Thumbnail of the map 'Gladiator update'

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Author Brickman
Tags author:brickman playable uncategorized unrated v1.3b
Created 2004-07-06
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is an updated version of my gladiator level, after learning the secret to enemies in walls.
You must outwit and trap each wave. I suggest going from the bottom up in this version. If you don't start with the sentries, you may possibly get zapped by the floor while outwiting another.
Allow one or two respawns.

Other maps by this author

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tri-test Shapes time trial death from above walljump blackhole


Pages: (0)

How about zero?

Unfortunately, there were a lot of places to hide. You didn't even have to move for the zap drone swarm.
Demo Data