Student Body

Thumbnail of the map 'Student Body'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Yahoozy
Tags action author:yahoozy playable puzzle rated
Created 2008-03-27
Last Modified 2008-03-27
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Stupid Body

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Harmony in Ultraviolet' Thumbnail of the map 'Inkling in Advance' Thumbnail of the map 'Original Body Kingdom' Thumbnail of the map 'Otherwise My Conviction' Thumbnail of the map 'Forever Endeavor' Thumbnail of the map 'Inside Living Twin'
Harmony in Ultraviolet Inkling in Advance Original Body Kingdom Otherwise My Conviction Forever Endeavor Inside Living Twin


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

Great map.

I like the tricky jump that splits the map in half. I also like the insentive to go for the gold; it makes it seem as if that is the main part of the map; I've seen a lot of maps that make you forget about the gold and just go for the door. The enemies were very well placed in this too; it gave the different sections good contrast in play.
It's not so good, but it shows the jump from one side to the other. That could've been better executed, as well.
Demo Data

Would be good...

But that jump from left to right is a little too harsh for me. I liked most of the rest of it.

A very high 4.5

Faved... Almost worthy of being sized too..


Simple but nice tile set and enjoyable play.
I work out every day you know! Anyway, I thought this map was incredible! I loved the style and the way you could slide down the blocks. Awesome map. 5/5 and favorited.


5aved and faved