the world

Thumbnail of the map 'the world'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author miscellaneous
Tags author:miscellaneous rated
Created 2008-01-19
Last Modified 2008-01-19
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description 105-4

for all wo wish to see it...

(it was done by blue_tetris...)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'comment of the ages...' Thumbnail of the map 'eagle 2' Thumbnail of the map 'yo soy aburrido' Thumbnail of the map '???' Thumbnail of the map 'Slave to the Subliminal' Thumbnail of the map '--GAME--'
comment of the ages... eagle 2 yo soy aburrido ??? Slave to the Subliminal --GAME--


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now I see I wasn't the only one who did this
sorry, but your version looks a bit unclear and you rearranged the positions of the continents that's why I'll give it a 3/5
please watch my worldmap to compare:

should i add the polynesian islands & such?

Yeah, you're right.

He gave credit. But he still didn't do any real work. :/


he said 105-4 in the description so he wasnt trying to hide it


No rating as per Skyline.
For that you get bonus points!


is kind of cheap.

It's really cool

the u.k. looks funny but it's the best you could do with the tiles and dimensions.
Here's a close up of the u.k.


Thats amazing man!

That actually looks pretty good. 5/5


Oh look. There is brittle mingeland in the miggle.