How good it can be.

Thumbnail of the map 'How good it can be.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author uNcoNditioNal
Tags action author:unconditional clean fun playable rated
Created 2008-01-12
Last Modified 2008-01-12
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I love this map, it's the best I've come up with for a while I think. Simple gameplay, jump-based play and clean tiles; everything a quality uncon map should be.

On top of that, this one comes with a competition;

First person to AGD this map in under 1690 frames will win a personalied tileset dedication, like the ones found in The Mirage Explosion and also here:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Shakin'' Thumbnail of the map '□+♥=Δ' Thumbnail of the map 'Whispering.' Thumbnail of the map 'Whispering. [Revised]' Thumbnail of the map 'Passchendaele' Thumbnail of the map 'Moutain #1, Prospect #2'
I'm Shakin' □+♥=Δ Whispering. Whispering. [Revised] Passchendaele Moutain #1, Prospect #2


Pages: (0)

Very impressive demoes, to be sure.

Expect a tileset ded at some point (fairly) soon ;)


Heh, turns out I was taking a slower route all this time...your route was much quicker, so I used that. All non-fbf, by the way.
I'd hazard that sub-1500 may be possible, too, although you'd need an /amazing/ player to do that.


Sorry for the spam, too.
Demo Data


Ok, this just in...I am now /officially/ awesome."
Demo Data

One day I'll get sub-1650 as well ;)
Demo Data

Sub-1750 AGD

No FBF. What do I win?

PS. I think Sub-1650 may be possible, also without fbf; hold on.
Demo Data


I had it!
Demo Data

Its this easy;


The offer still stands by the way...
Demo Data

Use this route.

It's very possible to get under 1750, although you might have to use a sneaky bit of FbF here and there.
Demo Data

You're right

This map is fantastic. I think I'll rate it.


1750 is impossible.


FUCK it.

I can't. Sorry uncon.
Demo Data
First person under 1750 frames gets the prize now.


We'll change it to under 1690 frames.

Nice map,

by the way.

Oh, thanks.

Damn that is hard!

Yours is 2306.

Its the numbers before the colon in the demo data, get it?
But here is one, I don't know how long it is.
Demo Data

I can't.

Not under 1650. I just can't.