My Feet Are The Sexiest On The Street.

Thumbnail of the map 'My Feet Are The Sexiest On The Street.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Ntropolis11
Tags author:ntropolis11 funky rated test tileset
Created 2007-09-02
Last Modified 2007-09-02
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description Rate it like this ( ~ Represents the score you would actually give the map in that section):

~/5 :Fun 2
~/5 :Gameplay 3
~/5 :Tileset 5
~/5 :Object Placement 3


STEPS: Rate each section on its own (like above) and then add them up and divide by four, round you're answer to the nearest available rating choice ( 0/0, 0.5/5, 1/5 etc.)

PLEASE RATE LIKE THIS! It will help me sooooo much, constructive criticism is welcomed!!!


SNIPED! Someone must have rated this a 0.5 to bring the score down this much.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '"Geep Foobar!" ' Thumbnail of the map ''Unstable Mother'' Thumbnail of the map '"His Name Is "Glorbzarr!"' Thumbnail of the map 'To Perceive Is To Suffer.' Thumbnail of the map '"Tree-Huggers!"' Thumbnail of the map 'Use If You Wish. '
"Geep Foobar!" 'Unstable Mother' "His Name Is "Glorbzarr!" To Perceive Is To Suffer. "Tree-Huggers!" Use If You Wish.


Pages: (0)

-- Scorecard --

4/5 Fun: Liked the jumps required to get the gold/switches
3/5 Gameplay: Wasn't really challenging
4.5/5 Tileset: Simple awesome
4/5 Object Placement: 'S alright

Total: 15.5/20 = 3.875/5 = 4/5

The rating

system confuses me. 4/5
Demo Data




Demo included.

Fun: 4/5. I drones and gauss's worked nice as a team.
Gameplay: 4/5. Nice jumps involved, and some nice flow.
Tileset: 3/5. Pretty jumbled.
Object Placement: 3.5/5. The mines and gold were placed nicely, but the switches on the other hand weren't.

Total: 3.625. I am going to round that to a 4.
Demo Data

4/5 fun

4/5 gameplay
2/5 tileset (go figure. it takes a REALLY good tileset to get me impressed)
3.5/5 object placement

3.5/5 Good map, but it feels very unoriginal

4/5 Fun
3.5/5 Gameplay
5/5 Tileset
4/5 Object Placement


5/5 Fun

4/5 Gameplay
3/5 Tileset
4/5 Object Placement

~4/5. Good map.