
Thumbnail of the map '"Tree-Huggers!"'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Ntropolis11
Tags author:ntropolis11 rated
Created 2007-08-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Yes...

This map is dedicated to those who do not participate in eating the
meat of over 570 billion slaughtered animals per year, and also to
those vegetarians and obsessed Tree-huggers against foresting and

Speak people SPEAK!!

Oh, and about the map. (like the tileset, eh??)
This map is kinda cool, it feels different and spunky.
And the reason the trapdoors are there is because they can help you narrowly avoid and zap from the laser-drones.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Stop!' Thumbnail of the map 'Pay The Price Of The Prize To Win! ' Thumbnail of the map '"Geep Foobar!" ' Thumbnail of the map ''Unstable Mother'' Thumbnail of the map '"His Name Is "Glorbzarr!"' Thumbnail of the map 'To Perceive Is To Suffer.'
Stop! Pay The Price Of The Prize To Win! "Geep Foobar!" 'Unstable Mother' "His Name Is "Glorbzarr!" To Perceive Is To Suffer.


Pages: (0)


Eating meats ok, but do it sparingly and eat free range animals.

i must be blind

:| oh well, that was a nice map, very cool, 4aved
Demo Data


what if the animal died a natural death? Like the stillborn calf i saw this summer? Could you eat veal like that? (Not that you'd want to, but the coyotes did)

Nice Death!

Ouch... >_<

my first try dem

must now go to bed, sorry. 4.5/5.
Demo Data